

Post and manage advertisements positioned all over the clearnet with just a few clicks


352 Votes

A result-oriented native advertising platform for brands and agencies.


StackAdapt is a comprehensive, self-serve native advertising platform that helps brands and agencies generate leads, drive site traffic, and boost conversions. Offering a range of features such as predictive algorithms, real-time bidding, and robust analytics, StackAdapt empowers businesses to reach their target audience more effectively.

Key Features

StackAdapt comes equipped with a variety of features that set it apart in the field of native advertising. The platform's predictive algorithms leverage artificial intelligence to optimize ads and target the most relevant audience. This not only ensures maximum engagement but also results in increased conversion rates.

The platform's real-time bidding feature allows businesses to bid on ad space in real-time, ensuring they only pay for relevant impressions. This, combined with the platform's extensive reach across numerous publisher sites, provides brands with a cost-effective way to broaden their online visibility.

Moreover, StackAdapt's detailed analytics and reporting tools offer deep insights into campaign performance. This allows businesses to adjust their strategies based on real-time data and ultimately achieve their marketing goals more efficiently.


When it comes to performance, StackAdapt stands out for its efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability. The platform's predictive algorithms ensure that ads reach the most relevant audience, thereby improving engagement and conversion rates. The real-time bidding system makes the process of buying ad space more efficient and cost-effective. Lastly, the in-depth analytics provide valuable insights that enable businesses to tweak their strategies and improve campaign performance.


StackAdapt is known for its user-friendly interface. The platform is easy to navigate, and even beginners can set up and manage campaigns with relative ease. With its intuitive design, StackAdapt allows users to focus more on strategy and less on figuring out how to use the platform.


Customer support is one area where StackAdapt truly shines. The company offers an extensive knowledge base, as well as email and live chat support. This ensures that users have access to prompt and effective assistance whenever they need it.

In conclusion, StackAdapt is a robust and efficient native advertising platform that offers a range of features to help brands and agencies achieve their marketing goals. Whether it's reaching a wider audience, generating leads, or boosting conversions, StackAdapt provides the tools necessary for success.

Highest-Rated Features:

  1. Retargeting
  2. Performance and Reliability
  3. Enterprise Scalability

Lowest-Rated Features:

  1. Bulk Editing
  2. Batch Uploading
  3. Custom Reports
HQ Location
Ontario, Canada
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (349 employees)
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